The Police
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Increasing Thefts of Gardening Equipment

Thames Valley Police are receiving increasing reports of gardening equipment being stolen from sheds and containers on business premises, in residential locations and on allotments across the Bracknell and Wokingham areas. We are asking businesses and residents to check and secure their containers, garden sheds and allotment plots to prevent thieves from stealing their gardening equipment.


Many people don’t secure their sheds in the same way they do their homes or businesses - often using an easy-to-break lock or padlock to protect valuable contents such as bikes, lawnmowers and other gardening equipment. Opportunistic burglars often try sheds, containers or garages first because they can find the tools they need to break into the main house or business premises.


Please follow the below links for crime prevention advice:



The National Allotment Society has information about security at: Security on plots – The National Allotment Society – National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Ltd (nsalg.org.uk)


Please report any suspicious incidents, sightings or information by using our online Report a Crime service at www.thamesvalley.police.uk or by calling 101. In an emergency, please call 999.

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Message Sent By
Karen Collins
(Police, Neighbourhood Administrator, Bracknell & Wokingham)

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