The Police
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Off road motorbikes - Banbury

Appreciating that this is a topic that often gets mixed responses depending on your personal opinion, however we continue to receive reports of off road bikes being ridden around Banbury and on surrounding farmland.

We are encouraging the public to report incidents to us and we will take action where we are able to do so.  We have been speaking with local farmers whose crops are being damaged from this activity . Whilst some may view this as  a social activity for those involved it is causing considerable cost implications and that is not to mention the many driving offences and anti social behaviour being committed.

We are providing farmers with signage that they can put up on their property and this has the details of the  what3words information required to ensure we have an accurate pinpoint of the location where the riders are.

We also welcome any information of those who continue to ignore these warnings and  any evidence we can gather will be used to ensure offenders are dealt with.

#OpJacktar (Rural)
#OpJazzman (Urban)

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Message Sent By
Sarah Nash
(Police, Police Sergeant, Cherwell and West)

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