The Banbury Neighbourhood Team are working alongside Cherwell District Council's Community Safety Team on Operation Jin.
This is our multi agency approach to dealing with complaints of street drinking and anti social behaviour in the Banbury Town Centre.
We know from previous surveys that the behaviour is causing some residents and businesses to feel unsafe and this is something that we are looking to address.
If you are a resident, business owner, employee or visitor to the Town Centre please can you spare a few minutes to complete the following survey - https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=eUPeI3qVpkGVhxZdbGtNvX0MS_jC2LlElicSNJwpAT5UQzZSS1pQMkc4V1RIQjRQVkZOMUtCR0JVNyQlQCN0PWcu
Your view really does matter,
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